通过聚美星艺 JMXY Studio 摄影团队每日5小时专业拍摄 (含化妆时间) 跟妆服务,展现最真实的美感,并带您一起探索城市大街小巷的浪漫。







【Time】JMXYStudio team shoots for 5 hours all day (including makeup)【Location】 All JMXY can shoot at any 3 places in the city.
【Clothes】Provide 2 sets of light travel clothing, couples can also bring their own clothing.
【Style】2 sets of overall shape design
【Shooting】 No less than 200 full-frame high-quality original films.
【Photo Album】 No less than 20 professionally edited photos
【Air seat】Single aircraft seat
【Photographer】Excellent photographer in the city
【Professional Equipment】Professional camera, tripod, LED light, reflector
【Vehicle Service】Provide vehicle service during filming



【Time】JMXYStudio team shoots for 5 hours all day (including makeup)
【Clothes】Provide 2 sets of light travel clothing, couples can also bring their own clothing.
【Style】2 sets of overall shape design
【Shooting】 No less than 200 full-frame high-quality original films.
【Photo Album】 No less than 20 professionally edited photos
【Air seat】Single aircraft seat
【Photographer】Excellent photographer in the city
【Professional Equipment】Professional camera, tripod, LED light, reflector



【Time】JMXYStudio team shoots for 6 hours all day (including makeup)
【Clothes】Provide 2 sets of light travel clothing, couples can also bring their own clothing.
【Style】2 sets of overall shape design
【Shooting】 No less than 200 full-frame high-quality original films.
【Photo Album】 No less than 20 professionally edited photos
【Air seat】Single aircraft seat
【Photographer】Excellent photographer in the city
【Professional Equipment】Professional camera, tripod, LED light, reflector

【Vehicle Service】Provide vehicle service during filming